
  • Video 4: How much biodiversity do we really know?

    Do we know all species that exist on earth? No, but perhaps we can make an estimation on the ammount of species that may possibly exist using taxonomy. From The Ladder of Nature via bestiaries to Linneas to understand worldwide biodiversity. How many organisms are out there? Estimations ranging between 3.000.000 and 100.000.000 species. Species discovery rates may help to make more accurate estimations. So far 1.200.000 species have been described. This may be as little as 10 percent of all existing species.

  • Video 3: Studying biodiversity in the lab

    Studying specimens in the labaratory using catalog numbers, connecting metadata with the specimens. Geo-referencing and labeling the sample. Do not label only on species name, because this name may change based on future knowledge. Data-tracebility based on correct data entry, using modern computing technlogy is important to avoid mixing up data.

  • Book review: The Origin of Species

    The Origin Of Species by Charles DarwinThe Origen Of SpeciesThe Origin of Species by Charles Darwin would be the first book to review without any doubt. You all probably know about the impact that made this book untill today, but did you actually read it too? Get your copy now. The book is also available in Kindle format. In fact, as I am reading the book now it is a bit early for a proper review, but so many people have already said something about the book that it would not add much in this case, so for the first review on Biodiversity Tools, this will be all.

    Charles Darwin – The Origin Of Species

  • Video 2: Field Methods for Documenting Biodiversity

    This is the second video in the Khan Acedemy series on Biodiversity. This series being very relevant for anyone studying biodiversity is the reason for embedding the following video’s as well. Asuming this content will stay online and available, the series is being shared at this site.

    The second video is about Field Methods for Documenting Biodiversity. It is explaining the advantages of multi-disciplenairy expeditions and the synergy that comes with that. About transport, equipment, planning, being prepared. Thinking about how to record the notes, data, photographs and so on. Specimen collection, live data sharing, GPS and GIS. But most of all, the thrill of discovery.