Cool things happen were science and software meet. This video is truly an example of great things that can be done, helping to understand the world around us in a better way.
Watch this video about the Deep Tree project on youtube here.
Cool things happen were science and software meet. This video is truly an example of great things that can be done, helping to understand the world around us in a better way.
Watch this video about the Deep Tree project on youtube here.
This is one of the best way to see, feel, and “measure” biodiversity…enjoy!!!!!!
Do we know all species that exist on earth? No, but perhaps we can make an estimation on the ammount of species that may possibly exist using taxonomy. From The Ladder of Nature via bestiaries to Linneas to understand worldwide biodiversity. How many organisms are out there? Estimations ranging between 3.000.000 and 100.000.000 species. Species discovery rates may help to make more accurate estimations. So far 1.200.000 species have been described. This may be as little as 10 percent of all existing species.
Studying specimens in the labaratory using catalog numbers, connecting metadata with the specimens. Geo-referencing and labeling the sample. Do not label only on species name, because this name may change based on future knowledge. Data-tracebility based on correct data entry, using modern computing technlogy is important to avoid mixing up data.