Category: news

  • Single-trait indices/metrics

    Functional diversity can be quantified using one single trait at a time or multiple traits (see the descriptions of multiple-indices in other page). There are single trait metrics that include abundance (e.g. number of individuals per species, relative basal area per especie) to weight the relative contribution of species to the index. Some single-trait metrics are the Community Weighted Mean (CWM), functional divergence (FDvar) and functional regularity index (FRO).

  • Software section Biodiversity Tools

    A new section with software to analyse biodiversity has been added to this website. For each program or extension a short description and a direct link to download the (open source) software is available. Please leave your comment on the listed programs and suggest others as well as essential packages to be listed.

    The first program in the software section is ‘R’. In near future packages will be added to make these more widely available for download and to have discussion on them.

  • List of biodiversity databases

    In an attempt to list the available biodiversity databases, a first step has been made with publishing a alphabetic list of 29 resources.

    Some of the databases reflect species diversity of a specific country or region, others focus on a species group or habitat to bring together all available knowledge about that specific group, taxa or environment.

    A couple of initiatives try to put together all known species in a single database or online resource. Despite the efforts no institution has succeeded yet in doing so.
    Arctos database museum, Catalog of Life, the Encyclopedia of Life and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) are examples of such efforts.

    If you have suggestions to complete the list of available resources, your citation and reference are welcomed, as well as discussions on how to use this online biodiversity tools, and your opinion on the best available biodiversity database. What are the pro’s and con’s of open source?

  • New index of functional diversity added (Functional regularity)

    If you have used this index please make some comments about how it performed with your data.