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Author: GCR
Single-trait indices/metrics
Functional diversity can be quantified using one single trait at a time or multiple traits (see the descriptions of multiple-indices in other page). There are single trait metrics that include abundance (e.g. number of individuals per species, relative basal area per especie) to weight the relative contribution of species to the index. Some single-trait metrics are the Community Weighted Mean (CWM), functional divergence (FDvar) and functional regularity index (FRO).
- New page: Single traits indices and metrics
New index of functional diversity added (Functional regularity)
If you have used this index please make some comments about how it performed with your data.
New index added
In the page with indices and matrics it was added the functional dispersion index. It was published by Laliberté and Legendre in 2010. This index has some advantages for those who want to use categorical and continuos functional traits.